independence from pippin
~Independence From Pippin~
I, rita murjani, would like to declare my independence from Mr. Pippin. Mr. Pippin is a master whom I can live under no longer. There comes a time in every persons life when they need to be free from their leader and for me that time is now, it has arrived. I am ready to spread my wings and fly. This is why I wish to be free from the tyranny of master pippin.
I believe everyone must take chances in their life and under rule of pippin this is not even imaginable. He is a cruel tyrant who will not let us take any risks in our lifetime. We only live once… now is the time to live life to the fullest and under rule of pippin this is just not possible.
Mr. Pippin does not want us to have any life. He piles on homework every night to an extent that is not possible unless you choose to suffer from sleep deprivation. (For all of you whom are wondering yes, I currently suffer from sleep deprivation)
He follows a strict standard, which he refuses to alter. He will not even listen to your suggestions because he feels he is the wisest one. He feels he is so wise because of his experiences in life that can “only come with age.” That by the way is a fallacy~ appeal to age. He is assuming that because he is older than we are he knows more. Who is he to tell us how much we know or don’t know?
He claims he will let us debate topics in class but when we try to he cuts us off in the middle of a sentence and tells us to “ put it on the forum… we don’t have time in class.”
He gives us confusing assignments and then laughs at us when we get it wrong or when the light bulb finally goes off in our mind.
He does not give us enough time in class to work on assignments; he then tells us he will put the information on his website but doesn’t. When it is time for a notebook check he then expects us to have it completed. We try to explain why it is not complete but he still gives us a bad grade.
He follows a test standard that is too high. He expects perfect scores from all of us but doesn’t help us at all. He does not believe in study guides or review games.
This all concludes that our current master, pippin, is a cruel and heartless tyrant who enjoys watching us suffer. In fact I believe he finds it quite entertaining.
Many prior attempts have been made to try and prevent this cruel tyranny but there has been no easing on his cruel ways. His ways have only become more and more heartless.
We have begged and pleaded for some sympathy, we have begged and pleaded for some mercy but his cruel ways have only continued. We have talked to the master privately and individually outside of the class but his thick headedness will always prevail.
I, rita murjani, am requesting my need for independence from the cruel ways of Mr. Pippin. By ratifying this document we will be able to spread our wings and fly. We will be responsible for our own methods of study. Our homework assignments will be as necessary and not more than that. We will discuss and debate topics as we see fit based on importance. We will set up two classes every month that are only for the mere purpose of debating. We will take the acquirement of knowledge of American government as our own responsibility. We will no longer need the rule of a master over us supervising and regulating everything we do. I, Rita Murjani, pledge my dedication to the gain of knowledge and all things governmental.
~Rita Murjani
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